Our Services
Site Prep

Whether you are starting with an established site or starting from scratch, Ditches Unlimited has the experience and equipment to get the job done. Site preparation can include a multitude of things, clearing of any obstructions or overburden areas, excavation and leveling of dirt to create a pad or level area.

We specialize in the installation and replacement of all types of subterranean infrastructure both municipal and residential. These include but are not limited to water distribution systems, sanitary sewer lines and septic systems, underground electrical conduit as well as storm drainage systems we complete these projects on time and to your development specifications.
Forestry Support

Ditches Unlimited Inc. works with multiple government agencies including USDA/USFS, Idaho Dept of Lands and Idaho parks and rec to help keep our national forests and local recreation areas usable. From grading roads, to cleaning out culverts and clearing/brushing roads to make them passable again, we assist our local agencies however we can.
General Excavation

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Want to Know More About Ditches Unlimited Inc?

Learn why our team is the best and how our approach and services differ from our competitors.